What was broken after the upgrade? autofs with nfs4 mounts hang fix: none workaround: force v3 protocol, add nfsvers=3 to all mounts firefox moved to snap and broke passff native messaging fix: none, workaround: remove snap, install tar from mozilla.org notes: didn't want my profile under ~/snap anyway. var/lib filled breaking everything investigation: sure ... 18G of friggen snaps $ sudo du -hs * | sort -hr | head -n10 18G snapd 17G docker 619M clamav 315M apt 311M anbox 137M dpkg 133M plocate 124M mysql 84M mlocate 35M texmf fix: created dedicated snapd lvol, migrated stuff custom resolv.conf was overridden, don't recall being prompted for it fix: reinstate custom config